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Our Leading Products

Terre dei Goti

A label which produces oil, wine and distillates of higher quality than our ordinary production: Terre dei Goti identifies precious products that are obtained through particular processing and selections, possible only in favorable years and therefore not available every season.


From the cellar:
Marche Rosso I.G.T. Cinque grappoli bibenda 2019
Marche Bianco I.G.T


Dalla distilleria:
Distillato di Uva Lacrima
Grappa di Lacrima aged in barriques Alambicco d’oro (2017)


Dal frantoio:
 Extra Vergine d’Oliva Monovarietale oil

The wine

25 hectares of land of our winery are dedicated to vineyards specialized in the production of DOC wines. From which Verdicchio dei Castelli di Jesi D.O.C. and Lacrima di Morro d’Alba D.O.C. are produced.


The wine “Lacrima” has received several awards and recognitions, including:

Le Marche nel bicchiere eccellenza (2021)
Corona vini buoni d’Italia (2019 e 2020),
Cinque Grappoli Bibenda (2020)
Medaglia d’oro alla Mostra nazionale dei vini Pramaggiore (2012)
Menzione al Concorso internazionale Vinitaly (2011)


Lacrima Passito Re Sole has obtained the following awards:

Cinque Grappoli Bibenda (2019)
Le Marche nel bicchiere (2019)
Douja D’or (2019)
La Gran Menzione al Concorso internazionale Vinitaly (2011)

The Oil

2500 olive trees of the most popular local varieties are also cultivated on our land, from which, through processing in the company mill, which is always and strictly the same day of collection, we get an Extra Virgin Olive Oil with very low acidity levels and extreme fruitiness and aroma.


Our Olio Blend has conquered:

 First place in the Oro delle Marche contest (2020 and 2018)
Oro d’Italia (2019)
Cinque Gocce Bibenda (2019)


The Olio Raggia variety has been recognized by

Oro delle Marche (2020)
Cinque Gocce Bibenda (2018)


A particular excellence of Stefano Mancinelli’s winery is represented by the distillation plant, the first one born in our region, from which Grappa di Lacrima and Grappa di Verdicchio are obtained in many forms and types by distilling the very fresh pomace of our winery.


Grappa di lacrima barricata has received:

Cinque Grappoli Bibenda (2019 e 2020)

Spedizione gratuita per ordini maggiori di 150.00